Röyksopp and Depeche Mode
For the last few weeks my favorite CD has been "The understanding" by Röyksopp, it's their sophomore album released on Virgin June 27. It differs markedly from their "Melody AM" debut, it sounds more mature with a much richer and pompous sound. Though it can't sport a single hit like "Poor Leno" the overall quality is so high and the guest singers so good that this is bound to be one of the best electronic/dance albums of the year. My personal favorite on the album is the 8 minutes long instrumental track, "Alpha Male", which starts a bit like Jean-Michel Jarre's "Equinoxe" before kicking off with a heavy bass synth. Another excellent track is "What else is there?" with a lovely guest appearance by Karin Dreijer from The Knife, and then the Prince-like "49 Percent" with singer Chelonis R Jones. At times the album sounds like Air and at other times (in particular on "Alpha Male") like M83. It's not innovative but still great stuff!
This week I finally got to hear the coming Depeche Mode single "Precious", and it's great! It's a little bit like their late 80s style, darker and less rock oriented. I love it! The single should be out on October 3 and the album, "Playing the angel", on October 17. I can hardly wait.

This week I finally got to hear the coming Depeche Mode single "Precious", and it's great! It's a little bit like their late 80s style, darker and less rock oriented. I love it! The single should be out on October 3 and the album, "Playing the angel", on October 17. I can hardly wait.
Angels with silver wings
should have known suffering
I wish I could take the pain for you.
If God has a masterplan
that only he understands
I hope its your eyes he's seeing through.
-- Precious, Depeche Mode
The news is out that Depeche Mode has made their upcoming single, Precious, available for digital download via iTunes and similar services across the globe. It was 'released' yesterday, August 22, a full six weeks before the regular single hits the record shops!
I guess this had to be done since a free MP3-version has been circling the net since July!
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